The art of reading oracles intuitively

The art of reading oracles intuitively

THE PROPOSAL * Session guided by Carlos Silva, psychologist & Laura Miñano, sophrologist and meditation teacher *We will have, a discussion about intuition and oracles, meditation, and meditation to dig into our intuition. as well as a space for sharing our...
Tips when we lose balance

Tips when we lose balance

(article published in linked inñano/) In our fast-moving world, events overlap with our current overloaded life. Stress takes over in many shapes that actually lead to a loss of equilibrium. Ancestral...
Enneagram and meditation

Enneagram and meditation

ATELIER DISCOVER YOUR ENNEATYPE THROUGH MEDITATION The Atelier consists of a three times meeting that will give you awareness on the basic pattern of your mind, the kind of thoughts guiding your life since your childhood, called otherwise enneagram type. In every...
Atelier Conscious Breathing

Atelier Conscious Breathing

ATELIER CONSCIOUS BREATHING It is an opportunity for those who are interested in getting to know about their own breath as well as tools for stress management and getting heart, soul and mind aligned. It consists of: – Two hours of light yoga, theory on...